Posts Tagged ‘spinach’

It’s funny how a little slice of bacon changes hamburger, both the looks and the flavor. Your husband/kids will think you’ve done something special for them.

This dinner suggestion will be short: make individual thick, roundish patties with your burger-meat, wrap a single slice of uncooked bacon around each–the bacon stretches easily to fit, then slightly flatten each of them, securing the bacon with a toothpick.

I either pan-fry them or put them on the grill. For variation, I might make brown gravy out of the pan juices, or mushroom gravy to top the meat, but it’s not necessary. I did sautéed fresh mushrooms, which I spooned over each pattie.

I served my mock tenderloin (tee-hee) alongside baked potatoes, and a fresh garden salad. Whoa, I mean lettuce and spinach right out of my garden! Okay, I didn’t grow the purple cabbage–it’s still out there growing.

I encourage everybody to raise your own lettuce, spinach, herbs–plant them in a row right beside the pretty little flowers–lettuce makes quite a hedge. Jut don’t try growing greens in the summer–they won’t take the heat. Gardening–that’s another story.